Sunday, March 3, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 3/3/2024

The wind forecast has been so up and down (two or three days out the forecast is for really strong winds - when the next day rolls around, the forecast is downgraded and the nuking winds get pushed further out).  Kalani suggested Foil Drive this morning... don't need to twist my arm.

The winds were on the lighter side and blowing from the N-NNE - so clean at WPB.  The swell was not as big as the past two days, but it was still nice sized.

Marlon and Kaylani both brought shortboards.  Marlon said he caught four really fun waves and he loves the Rasta Keels he got for Christmas - lots of drive and he can generate a lot of speed with them.

I tweaked the Max position and the mast position early this morning (mast a little bit back from yesterday, Max as far forward as it would go and keep the mast where I wanted it).  Other than that I wanted to keep everything else the same so I could get the feeling of the weight distribution and the foils reaction with this setup.  I even avoided the temptation the run the three blade prop.

Really good session this morning!!!  The Max is the BOMB!!!

This session solidified my decision the sell the prone specific foils - I do not see myself doing that aspect of this sport anymore - why would anyone when you have the FD Max?

I got similar battery endurance to yesterday's session, and I didn't bother paddling outside of what was absolutely required (through the shallow area to get out and back in).  So that said, I'm likely to get 1.5 hour sessions out of the Max battery.

Looks like the takeoff spot was concentrated again.  You don't notice this while you are out there.  I got several really long rides -

18 waves in an hour and 15 minutes.  That is a wave every 4.2 minutes - there is no way a conventional prone foiler can get anywhere near that number of waves.  I actually chose not to pump back out a few times because my right quad had lactic acid build up from riding too long.  That tells me there is a little more refining to do to get the weight distribution lined up better (so pumping isn't so taxing).

Thanks to Marlon for taking drone footage this morning!!!


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