Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Garage Works - 5/14/2024

I got the holes for the signal windows on both of Marvin's board filled this afternoon (again after a long nap... not sure why I'm dead tired coming home...).

Tomorrow I'll sand these down and get them capped.

Then I shifted my attention to sanding the laps on No.36

Here it is all sanded and dusted off.  While I had the epoxy for the signal windows, I went ahead and put a partial fill coat where the logos will go on the bottom deck.

And I felt compelled to keep pushing forward - I got the two bottom deck logos placed and got the whole fill coat placed.  I can already tell I'm going to have to do a second to get the low spots filled in.

This board is coming together nicely!!!

I'll get the top deck fill coat on tomorrow, then I'll sand the whole board once over to see where the low spots are.  I'll then put the second fills on (and sand...).

I think next time the wind comes up to winging strength, if I keep working on it daily, I should be able to get this anointed.

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