Thursday, May 9, 2024

Garage Works - 5/9/2024

And when I got home, La was busy making leis for Saturday - so I went to work in the garage.

First up was checking out the KD Maui DW Race rear stabilizer.  At 140 cm2, it is a little bigger than the Skinny 360/45 (135 cm2) that I've been looking at - 

Looks like it'll be a good fit with the ART Pro 1001 (now I just need some wind...)

Then I started the lamination of No.36.

Carbon patch over the boxes and where my front feet will rest (for better energy transfer).  Then a nose to tail cap sheet.  All lined up -

And trimmed up to get the laps tight.

And all epoxied up.  First pour was 16.8 ounces - then I mixed up another 4.2 to make sure everything was tacked down.

This is before I placed a bunch of saran wrap over the laps and the spots that need to be held down (corners).

Tomorrow I'll do a quick lap fairing in, and then get the top deck laminated.  I'm still debating lapping like I did the last 3 boards - or lapping short to place a rail band (to hide the edges for the top deck lap).

I've got a few hours to think it over...

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