Friday, May 24, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 5/24/2024

The wind were lighter this afternoon.  And it had some south to it - the wind line was pretty far out because of that (weird).

There were still some waves and the tide was nice and full.

Prayot and Duke were also there.

I pumped up the North Mode Pro 5.5 again - it was totally the correct wing for today (where yesterday it may have been a notch too windy for it).

No.36 with the F One SK8 950.  This mast position was spot on!

This board felt great in the turns.  The footstraps are perfectly positioned.  Even starting this board is low drama.  This SK8 ain't bad either (it's freaking awesome!!!).

I had a tons of really fun waves today.  And I got in a couple of toe-side tacks early on (gotta keep doing these to make them easier).

On the back half of the session the wind got light and I kept getting lured out by ripples in the water (I thought they were wind lines).  I eventually got up - and I figured I'd get back before the wind dropped off even more.
Super fun!  I'm glad I made this board.  I'll still use the other ones, but I'm going to fix some dings in them before taking them back out.


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