Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 5/28/2024

When I got to the beach, the wind was light... light enough that I was contemplating not going out.  But I could see the wind line was there - just a bit further out than normal.

It didn't help that the tide was low going up to a high (later in the evening).

I could have gone back home and worked on shaping No.37 - but I figured I'd give it a try since I was at the beach already.  I setup No.36 with the SK8 950/Carve 200 again.

And with the lighter winds, I figured I'd break out the SW2 5.2

Perfect gear for today's conditions - once I finally got out to the wind line (long paddle out).

The wind did come back up and with the waves that were breaking (and making me pay dues at the front end), this session actually turned out to be really good. 

I nailed several toe-side tacks.  After watching the Lachie White videos on tacking, I'm now making these tacks way more consistently.

Robby Miyashiro was out on his Foil Drive.  And Duke eventually came out on a 5.0 Alien wing and the big SUP foil board.

Again - pretty much couldn't have asked for better conditions for the equipment I had setup.

Almost up on foil the whole session -

Between winging and using the Foil Drive, my stoke meter is pegged!!!!


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