I got a lot done in the garage today.
First up was sanding No.37. Here's the top deck all sanded.
And here's the bottom deck all sanded and the tracks routed out
And the vent and leash plugs installed (plus a little epoxy to add material to some thin spots).
I just need to sand down the plugs, clean up the new epoxy spots then spray clear coat. I'm trying to work out the deck pad layout. That's another couple of days of work (about two hours a day because of drying and adhesive sticking time).
I also broke out No.19 to get a repair that was sitting under duct tape fixed properly. There's been a few people hinting at wanting to learn - I figure I can sell off my old stuff (GoFoil and Takuma, and the bigger Reedins) if I can get them through the learning curve. And Nick uses this board when he comes to Oahu.
It just really needed a little sanding and a patch of 4 ounce fiberglass.
Then I addressed the multiple harnesses I have in the garage. The wing harness has seen better days and I have a T9 that has just been sitting there - so I transferred all the modifications over from the T8 to the T9.
I also put the new kiting hook on the Pyro that I had sitting around.
These have been with me for a long time - letting go of things like this is like saying goodbye to an old friend. Thanks for covering my ass for all these sessions -
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