Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 6/22/2024

I hit Hickam today (didn't want to deal with the crowds or the low tide swim out at WPB).

The wind was either way up (nuking - to the point that a 4.0 would have been good) or lulled out to where you had to working it to stay up on foil.

Jim was there when I parked.  He wanted to test his new Amundson with the Foil Drive.

Arvin, Matt (nice board) and I were the group that was out initially.

The North Mode Pro 4.8 was smack dab in the middle - good thing it likes the top end.

I spent most of the session out at Firsts.  With the strong wind, I was able to get tacks both inside and outside.

I had to wait for the waves - but when they came, they were really good.  I caught three head high rollers (just kept going).

I called it at 75 minutes -

Lots of people had shown up by this time.  Ken, Zach, Harris, Jesse - and Arvin, Matt and Jim were all still out.  I wanted to get home to work on the boards in the garage.

I really like using the Project Cedrus Aluminum 90cm mast.  I barely have any ventilation issues and riding full mast height is pretty thrilling.  I may bring the Clydesdale out soon to get that dialed in for downwinding.

Super fun session!


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