Monday, June 24, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 6/24/2024

Great wind this afternoon!!!  Also had some decent windswell to ride - overall a great session (one of the better ones from the recent run - mainly because of the consistency today).

I pumped up the Reedin SW2 4.7 and bolted on the SK8 950/C200 onto the Evolution Wind mast on No.36 - perfect gear for today!

I only went down a few times, and when I did I was able to get back up quickly - so my average speed was pretty high (14.0 mph).

The waves today were really lefts - windswell that would run along and standup all along the shoreline.  You can see the path in the chart below.

I did do a weak side jibe (jibed goofy foot) - stayed with it after the turn and then switch feet - that was a first for me.

I saw Kalani do a power slide - pretty much everything except the windward side of his front foil was out of the water.

The only thing that would have made today's session better was a ground swell.
Lots of blue today (thank you consistent winds!!!).

I think I'm going to rest tomorrow (but there is supposed to be wind...).


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