Monday, June 3, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 6/3/2024

The after work session was pretty incredible today.  Good consistent winds, high tide and a large south swell pushing through.

Roland came out after getting back from vacation.  Duke also came out and has gotten good on his super compact wing board.

Marlon flew his drone for a bit before going surfing himself.

Did I say the waves were big???  This was a medium sized one (and it is overhead with almost full extension on my mast).

The real big ones were double this.

Super fun today - and I pretty much unlocked the toe side tack.  Out here on da' Plains, coming off a critical wave, it comes in handy.

Had to go way out to not get smashed by the big wave trains when they were coming through. 

Today had the best winds across the past several days.

I'm pretty sure I was taking drops when I hit this max speed.

I think tomorrow I'm going to rest.  My left arm is super sore.  Tomorrow's wind is too weak to have fun winging, but too strong to make for a great Foil Drive session.  I'll save it for Wednesday (super light wind with some of this large swell energy still hitting).


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