Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 7/7/2024

Dawn Patrolled WPB this morning.  I brought out No.37 and the Foil Drive - Marlon brought his new longboard.

There were waves on the outside, but they were intermittent.  There was zero wind while I was out, and the tide wasn't low when I got there (but it was dropping).

I bolted on the Spitfire 960/Skinny 365 = perfect for the chest high waves that were coming through on the outside.

Marlon longboarded for an hour - then he switched up to flying the drone.

I had some really great rides today!  Tons of hard carving and speed runs down the line.  I got to play matador with a couple of the overhead ones that were breaking on the outside - so easy when the conditions are this glassy and smooth! 

I came in with a decent amount of battery power - 48% (but I didn't want to make La upset with me being out forever).  Pretty good stats today!

Kalani was out ripping on the board he recently picked up (and the one I placed transmission windows in).  Dennis was also out.  There was another guy on a bigger SUP with a Foil Drive Assist Plus.  I saw Tim foiling when I was heading out - and Noel was out in the outside lineup with us.

Really long lefts today.

Looks like the waves were all breaking over the same high spot again.

I'll call this 15 waves in an hour and a half.

I love this s4!t!!!!


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