Thursday, July 11, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 7/11/2024

Weird weather again today.  There were rain clouds coming through all day.  Yet when I got to WPB, it was blowing hard.

You could see there was strong wind blowing, but the water didn't look like it.  Not chopped up and the small waves coming through were pretty organized.  Nothing to write home about - but you got what you got...

Prayot was already at the beach when I got there.

I set up the same gear as yesterday, with the exception of swapping out the Reedin for the North.

Prayot setup the just finished being repaired AFS Pure 900.  It behaved better with the rear stabilizer set up the correct way. 

Short session due to lulls and squalls coming through.

I wanted to see how fast the Pure 900 is - Prayot and I raced on a couple of runs.

You can see where I got stuck...

That dip clearly shows below also.

Once I got back up, I could see Roland was on shore and had pumped his wing up.  I could see the wind starting to falter, so I headed in.  Partially to tell Roland it wasn't worth it now, and also to not get stuck out there again - since the North really doesn't have a low end.

And just to demonstrate just how much the wind died back - Marvin came out with his new Appletree-Majek board to test it out.

Really fun while the wind was up!


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