Friday, July 26, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 7/26/2024

Afternoon session at WPB.  The wind was strong - whitecaps everywhere!!!

There was some surf as well - belly to chest high (but it did start to get drowned out by the rising tide).

I brought out No.36, the Project Cedrus 90 cm aluminum mast, the Spitfire 840/325P, and the Reedin SW2 4.2

Zach was already out.

The conditions were perfect for the gear I setup!!!

Trades from the ENE -

The Spitfire surfs so well!  People complain about the pitch instability - but I think it lends to its ability to respond to the swell and turn hard.  The swell direction and the wind didn't line up to the point where I could throw hard tacks - I did get some in, but not like NE trades days. 

It was the gusts that pushed the 4.2 - but as long as I was up on foil, the light winds didn't hinder the rides.

The long down time was a big lull - but other than that the wind was enough.

Until the end of my session - when it dropped off.

That's when Roland, Prayot and Duke showed up.

I had to go pick up Marlon so I didn't stay.  They said a Tiger was seen outside (glad I left).

I'm glad Roland was finally able to get back out!


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