Sunday, August 4, 2024

Garage Works - 8/4/2024

I got a fill coat on the board Marlon is making.  The rail laps were too far apart so I needed to put thickened epoxy on to reduce the number of subsequent fills.

Tomorrow another fill coat needs to go on the top deck.

And today I also chopped Tim's HA1125 (insert throw up emoji here - I to this day fucking HATE Armstrong shit).

I used the dremel to cut the outline.

Then I used the grinder to thin out the tips.

Then I used the dremel again to dig out the foam core.

When I'm mixing epoxy for the top fill coat on Marlon's board, I'll add the bulk thickened fill for the rebuild.

After that hardens, I'll use the sander to shape the tips, then I'll add some carbon to cover the fill.

Did I mention I FUCKING HATE Armstrong foiling gear???!!!???

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