Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/14/2024

Nice conditions today!  Super high tide, and a rising inbound swell.

Winds were a little fluky, but as time went on they settled out.

I pumped up the SW2 5.2 and set up No.32 (slightly more volume than No.36) with the Evolution mast and the F One SK8 950/Carve 200

I had a blast today!!!

Kalani, Nick and I were out at arguably the best time (wind wise) 

Whenever the wave trains from the new rising swell came through, it was so nice!

My third to the last wave was over my outstretched hands.

I was up on foil for the vast majority of the session.  The SK8 helped out a lot with this - the SK8 carves better than most foils out there, but for me it is less visceral/pitch sensitive than the Spitfires.  

After about an hour, Kalani did a flyby and was saying something I didn't quite understand - but I did see him bolt in.  I figured he saw a shark... which he confirmed at the shower.

He said it was a big tiger.... be careful out there.


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