Sunday, August 25, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/25/2024

I hit the dawn patrol at Kailua - I was going to let Donnel borrow my travel bag (for winging gear) so I figured I might as well flirt with Hurricane Hone at Kailua.

Lots of iwa cruising around (really nice to see).

The wind was super nuking - I originally pumped up the Cabrinha Mantis 2.5 and went out (but came back in because it wasn't enough).

I setup No.36 with the F One SK8 750/195 Carve.  With the Reedin SW2 3.6, this setup was perfect!  For the foils smaller than the Eagle 890, I am noticing that the footstraps are not forward enough - I may move the footstraps forward on this board, and then use No.32 for the larger foils.

I love this wing!

Check out the average speed - I think this may be my fastest (definitely in the top 3).

The waves were not breaking across the entire reef.  I had to go deeper towards Castles to pick up the steeper sections - but it was totally worth it!

This was the graph from Bellows - I think it was stronger at Kailua, but the relative trends should be the same. 

The regulars were all buzzing about the nuking conditions.  And half of them were breaking out the sub 3m2 wings and others were preparing to have their arms ripped off (4.5m2 and bigger).


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