The wind was blowing at the house this afternoon so I figured I'd give winging a shot. I actually thought I should have taken No.34, set it up with the Foil Drive, packed the parawing and taken that out to get the mast position worked out, and if the wind picked up go ahead and try out the parawing again.
I didn't listen to my instincts and instead setup No.32 with the F One SK8 950/C200 and pumped up the SW2 5.2
Koa had just come in and said it had been dropping off. This was about the time I had considered packing everything up and going back home to grab the Foil Drive.
But instead I figured the wind would pick up - and I paddled out.
I did a lot of sitting on the board and resetting my GPS watch (since I wasn't really moving). But after what seemed 30 minutes, I was able to pick up a gust and got up on foil
There was enough wind to get up and go, make a solid jibe, then make it back in.
The wind died again after that puff.
And with that, my shortest ever session came to a close!
Tomorrow I'll definitely bring out No.34 and the Foil Drive.
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