Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/7/2024

When Marlon got back home from work, I went ahead and hit the Plains.

The wind seemed weak, but Prayot and Roland were up on foil so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Pretty much the same setup as last time - just swapped the SK8 out for the Spitfire 840

Short session - swirly, patchy wind and really small waves.

And you can see the higher degree of north in the wind.  Definitely makes for more challenging winging conditions (and there were a couple of runs where I would get dropped as the wind took abrupt direction changes).

The readings from the Kalaeloa meter are definitely lower than what is present at the beach.

Mellow day!  AT least I didn't have to swim back.

And Prayot was out testing his new board.

The deck was really glassed light.  Too light - he already placed a significant heel dent in it.


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