Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Evening Session - 9/18/2024

Got in an evening Foil Drive session today.

There was sufficient wind to wing, but I wanted to test the AFS Silk 1050 using it with the Foil Drive.

No.34 is back in the rotation.  And I had the bolts setup right where the ART Pro 1001 was marked.

Norm, Prayot, Roland and Paul all pumped up bigger wings (to wing obviously).

The Silk 1050 worked perfectly in the position I initially bolted it on.

The wind ended up being up and down - with the wingers having to sit and wait for gusts to come through.  But the wind was strong enough to chop up the surface and it definitely made Foil Drive-ing a little challenging. 

Going left, I could have gone for way longer than I did - pretty much a downwinder.

But going right, I could carve the face top to bottom, turn after turn for relatively long rides as well.

From the chart, I had 14 rides in just over an hour - that roughly a wave every four minutes.

So in this realm, the AFS Silk did not leave as good an impression on me as when I winged with it.  It turns, it takes off early, it has pump and glide.  It just wasn't exciting to use in this application.  I may wait to see how the enduro will perform.


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