Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Garage Works - 9/11/2024

I got to spend some time in the garage this afternoon (both La and Marlon were out).

I got No.38 thinned out to the foil distribution that would yield 70+ liters.

Then I went ahead and got the rails rough shaped.

Here's the top deck -

And here's the bottom deck.

Tomorrow I'll get the shape refined (and possibly through the coarse sanding).

And I formulated a plan to get Roland's board to stop weeping water.  It was still spitting water this afternoon so I put the vacuum on it.  I cleared more water and it is seemingly lighter now.

I cut away the deck pad in a manner that I can reuse the piece I cut away.  

Tomorrow I'll place epoxy in the footstrap insert hole, and cap it with a fiberglass patch.  That should stop any more water from getting in through these two holes.

I'm thinking what happened was the strap screws used in these holes were too long.

I want to get this board back to Roland to make room in the garage (and also get Rick's board back to him).

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