Today's dawn patrol saw bigger waves - at least double the size of yesterday. And there were plenty of them the first half of my session. There was also some wind bumping up the faces - but it was still manageable. And another good day tide wise.
It's hard to see it, but it is breaking well over head out where we normally wing.
I used the same setup as yesterday - the only difference was my right knee was sore and I couldn't pump like I could yesterday. With the waves way bigger, I didn't necessarily have to pump - but the second half of the session got a little weird. The waves still had size, but they would back down and even though I had initially caught the wave, if I didn't pump it would pass me by. That's when I could feel my knee and I'd just back off.
That's all nitpicking - this was still a great session with really good conditions.
Not so much of a pattern today. Initially the waves were breaking out in front of the cabins. Then they started breaking all over.
I got 18 rides - less than yesterday, but it was more crowded today and the SUP guys were hungry (and would take off on waves I was already riding - but whatever, I rode way more than they could catch).
Too bad I loaned the SF900 and Skinny stab to Erik... I could have used them today I think. I may try to set up the SK8 950...
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