Sunday, September 10, 2023

Anointment of No.32, Part 3

And the third swap out saw the F One SK8 950/C200 monoblock rear stabilizer get bolted on.

I placed it where I had been putting the Eagle 890 relative to the 1090.  It did takeoff, but after three waves, I decided to try an adjustment.

It ended up here.  Even here it still had a hint of heavier backfoot input.  At some point in the future, I'll swap out the C200 for the DW210 to see if the pressure distribution is any different (can't shim the monoblock).

Bu this point the GoPro was leading a mutiny so no pictures during this session.

I went outside because the wind was supportive and Matt and Arvin were out there.  The waves were pretty darn small - so it was really hard to discern the differences between the SK8 and the Eagle.

Much smaller foil - higher top speed under nearly the same conditions.

Couldn't have asked for better conditions for a board anointment!!!

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