Sunday, September 10, 2023

Anointment of No.32, Part 2

If the transferred positioning wasn't spot on, it was close.  I'll go ahead and mark this, but it'll be subject to further testing.

Still have a little room for foils that need more lift.

Same test run results - tack and jibes both ways without too much issue, nice flat out runs - 

Smaller foil - faster top end speed (no surprise).

Faster jibe with the Eagle 1090 (could have easily used the 890 today).  I really felt like I was able to lean more in the turns with the gear today.

This board really feels good under foot.  With less real estate, and a smaller sweet spot, I was not really moving my feet around.  I may hold off on installing footstraps for a bit to get a better feeling for the board.

This foil is definitely a session saver (there were lulls in the wind and I would sail right through them, until my momentum dropped).  This board is small enough that it pumps really nicely.

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