Saturday, September 16, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 9/16/2023

Foil Drive on the dawn patrol -

Waves were on the soft side - still enough to ride, but not really energetic.

Wind was down, but then back up, then back down again.

The tide was high and ebbing.

Shimming the tail on the forward screw has been a really great mod.  The whole setup is faster, pumps easier and is more maneuverable than a non-shimmed version of this grouping.

The other change I made was to use the original propellor again - I wanted to see the impact of using a smaller hub.  The board does get up to a higher speed.  The battery seems to last longer.  And if a wave was not quite ready to pickup a rider, the smaller hub not get me on the wave (more so than the big hub).

There should be a south swell starting to show...


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