Saturday, September 16, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/16/2023

I ran some errands with La today (and the wind kept getting stronger throughout the day).  When we got home, I packed the truck and headed to the beach.

The wind was producing white caps and periodically a chest high set would roll through.  Launching wasn't too bad with the high tide.

Eagle 890 -

I opted for No.25 to make sure I wouldn't get stuck outside if the wind dropped.

And likewise I pumped up the SW2 5.2 to make sure I had adequate power.

Super fun session today!  Mark, Roland, Derek and I were all out.

I tried to execute tacks on to incoming waves - but my completion rate was not so good today.  I'm thinking the smaller front wing, longer fuse and different rear stabilizer made for a less turny setup with less glide.  I did nail a few though. 

I never felt overpowered today - bigger wings paired with smaller foils helps on the marginal days where you go with the bigger wing.

Lots of tripping on the botched tack attempts.

Fun thermal session!!!


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