Monday, September 4, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 9/4/2023

Foil Drive on the dawn patrol again.  This time at WPB with Dennis and Kalani.  The wind was non-existent.  The tide was rising up to 1.9' - and the waves were up.  

I gave Dennis back his HPS930 (sad face emoji here) - I used the HPS980 to get a back-to-back perspective between these two similarly sized foils.  I have to be honest - the 930 rode like a shortboard on a great wave.  I miss that feeling -

The 980 feels more like a longboard - I have to draw the turns out and at times I worry about overfoiling.  Time to go smaller...

Between this event and getting to use Jim's Spitfire 840 for winging, I'm thinking of sell off more front foils (1099, 1095, 980...)

Back to the topic at hand -

Decent stats.  I could have gotten more waves, but the tide peaked while I was out and it slowed down.

This was also the first time I used the Garmin while using the Foil Drive.  Interesting to see the waves individually on the track.

Most of these waves were overhead (while I was on foil).

This was a really fun session - and the true swell has not hit yet (that's tomorrow!)


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