Monday, September 4, 2023

Garage Works - 9/4/2023

When I got home, La was working on one of her projects - so I went ahead and got No.32 sanded.  I got both the top and bottom sanded.  

There were some low spots, and some areas that needed a little bit of carbon, so I went ahead and prepped the board for another fill coat.

I got the logos sorted out and stuck on.  Then I put 6.3 ounces on in two batches (4.9 and 1.4) to make sure I got sufficient coverage over the logos.

I'll try and sand the overage this evening, add the top deck logos and get the final (hopefully) fill coat on.  If the epoxy from this morning is not hard enough to sand well, I'll shift to drilling out the holes for the vent and leash plug (probably a better call - then I'll just sand and get the top deck fill on tomorrow).

I'm getting excited to try this one out!

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