Saturday, September 9, 2023

Garage Works - 9/9/2023, Part 2

I did some maintenance on No.18 today.

I cleaned off the wax from the nose area of the board.  In the past, I sometimes use this area to push off when I am ready to get to my feet.

Instead of wax, I installed a thick piece of diamond grooved deck pad.

While I was out today, the top mounted cable guide came off again.  I just tensioned everything and it was fine - but it is just about every session where I have to redo this cable guide.

I decided to change the way I hold the cable in place at this section.  I saw Glenn Pang had done tis to a few of his boards - installing leash plugs and zip tying the cable in place.

There were some air bubbles in the epoxy, so I wasn't going to get a way with a single pour installation.

I went ahead and got a straight epoxy top coat on the areas around the plugs.

I also Noticed a few pin holes around the mast track boxes.  I filled those as well.

This should go a long way towards keeping this board in top shape!

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