Sunday, September 10, 2023

Anointment of No.32, Part 1

Today was the day No.32 touched water and saw action.

Good day for it - it was windy and shifty.  Swinging from the NE to E, at pretty good speeds.

I only brought the SW2 5.2 - but probably could have used the 4.7.

I had three separate mini sessions to get positions dialed in on the new board.

The picture below is in reverse order.  And the first entry was short by 10 minutes because I forgot to start the GPS tracking.

I'll also only post the wind chart on this entry - but it covers all three foil swaps.

First up was the legendary Takuma Kujira 1210.

The position I transferred from No.32 was spot on.

It's hard to see the individual tracks/transitions, but I actually pulled way more tacks than jibes today.  I need to keep on practicing the toe-heel tacks to make them smoother, but I'm making most of them now.

No surprise on the top speed on this foil -

Good ol' reliable foil!  Made the first turn a heel-toe tack (actually this turn) 

Turns out this board is a sinker.  What a difference an inch of length and 2 inches of waist makes on volume!

One of the many toe-heel tacks

This is going to be a great board!!!  It just needs good wind since it is a sinker.

Successful anointment!!!


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