Sunday, September 17, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/17/2023

I skipped out on the dawn patrol this morning (because I took La to brunch!) - and instead hit WPB when the thermals lit off.

I had figured with the weather the way it was (super sunny skies) the thermals would fill in and we'd have good conditions - well I was wrong... we had great wind and some really good winging surf - solid south swell!!!

Prayot was already out - SW1 4.2 and the Eagle 990

I setup No.32 with the SK8 950/C200 monblock tail.  So much for having moved the track boxes forward... I should have moved them 2" forward.  The thermals were really strong - I decided to inflate the SW2 4.7.

Launching was really tough - I had to swim out to the wind line which was about a 1/4 mile out.  The winds were coming ENE, maybe even straight E so the normal patterns were off also (had to point straight south to get up to speed).  I tried climbing on the board too early (No.32 sinks a bit) and hit the bottom a few times (5h!t).

A few sets came through while I was swimming out.  I escaped without any battle damage - but Kalani ended up with a torn corner on his SW2 6.0

I stayed out for almost 3 hours - and got in over 33 miles.

The waves were epic!!! Head and half high mountains!  I lost count of how many I rode....

I did not try to tack today - I wanted to get more familar with the SK8 before trying.

I was really tired when I got in and the last hour I was riding goofy to give my right quads a break. 

Straight east winds.

This is super considering it was driven by thermals!!!

I think the errant speed reading was on a crash.  I found a 20.3mph reading in the group.

Epic day!!!


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