Friday, September 22, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/22/2023

I hit WPB for a wing foiling session this afternoon.  The wind was up - the surf was decent and the tide was low.  I had to paddle pretty far out to get to where I could get on No.32 without hitting bottom (as it is a critical floater/sinker).

The wind was perfect 4.7.

And I bolted together the Spitfire 840/Progressive 375/Advance+ Crazy Short - I've been jonesing to use this again... it is that good! 

I am confident after today's session that this is the spot for the SF840.

And my watch died again on me while I was out.  This is what I was able to record.

The wind was pretty gusty and shifted back and forth from normal to more north.

I did get some heel-to-toe tacks onto peaking waves - so that already places this foil in the top 5 I've surfed with.

I think I could have used the SW2 4.2 - but I was glad I had the 4.7 

I got to 20.1 mph - not bad for not pushing it.

There was a squall moving across the south shore - I made my way in before it moved completely through - the wind usually dies after a squall moves through.

Awesome session!!!


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