Saturday, September 23, 2023

Wing Foiling Session, Part 1 - 9/23/2023

Winged at Hickam today.  Went over with an objective to back to back test the SK8 950 and the Spitfire 840.

Dennis, Kalani, Jim, Jesse, Harris and a few others were out.

Decent wind - I didn't want to chance getting stranded (especially with No.32), so I opted for the SW2 5.2

First up was the SK8 950

To keep this series of posts a little less cluttered, I am placing the summary pictures here - another 30+ mile day

Strong winds - but they kept shifting around - made trying to liftoff difficult at times.

What I noticed about this foil -

It is super smooth - the flow is very nice.  You can actually see the weaving in my track below.

The whole setup is very light.  This helps when pumping through lulls and carrying the board back and forth to the beach.

This foil is high performance - at times I would look at my watch and see I was going much faster than I thought I was.  This foil is also whisper quiet.

This foil surfs like a fish - fast speeds and drawn out (but still tight in the pocket) turns.

Something else to note - I did not fall much with this foil - a different picture will be painted in the next couple of posts.


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