Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/26/2023

The forecast is calling for a gradual decline in wind speed moving through the week - I figured I should get in some good winging while it is still here.  Waves were smaller than yesterday (not always a bad thing - definitely makes the paddle out less death defying).  The tide was really high (also makes paddling out easier).  And the wind was strong on the outside, but lighter and swirly on the inside.

I pumped up the 5.2 knowing I was going to use a smaller board (No.32) and a smaller foil (Spitfire 840).

BTW - if I haven't said it already - THIS FOIL IS SICK!!!!!!  And so is this board!!!

Marlon came out and flew the drones.  Roland was also out.

The wind was a little on the soft side, but I was able to stay up on foil for the most part.

The wind was strong enough at times to tack on to the incoming waves -

And this front foil slices and dices so well - it is not as smooth and flowy as the SK8 950, but it is way more dynamic.  I'm betting if I get a smaller Progressive stabilizer, I'll be able to drive roundhouse cutbacks on this thing.

I caught some bigger waves on the outside, but Marlon was following Roland during those waves.  Overhead while I was up on foil - some much fun!!!!

Lots of tracks today - 

Those dips kept me on the surface (not enough power to liftoff with the equipment I had).  But most of the session was perfectly powered.

There was an errant reading on the graph (probably a crash), but looking through data, I did get a 19.7mph top speed.

Really fun session today!!!

I'm probably going to take tomorrow off and get some errands done.


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