Thursday, September 28, 2023

Evening Session - 9/28/2023

The wind is backing off, so I Marlon and I got in a late afternoon prone foiling session!  

I setup my standard gear - No.21/PC 68-72cm mast/P170/Flex Rear Stab

Marlon took out the gear he has been learning on.

We adjusted the mast position forward a quarter inch - seems to have worked since he was up on foil multiple times.  He just needs more practice to get settled in on the foil (instead of the board).  Also those first generation GoFoils need a lot of front foot pressure - he was compensating by placing his hands on the rails... maybe we need to pull the mast back a hair.... more practice tomorrow!!!!

I caught several - but since I've been winging so much lately, my pumping back out game sucked.  I'm so used to just sheeting in to get back out....

Roland was commenting on the Lift 120 that Duke has been using - they lined them up to see the size difference.

The 120 has a shorter chord and is about a hlaf inch shorter on each wing tip than the 140

Not to mention the 140 has a way different profile across the span.


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