Friday, September 29, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 9/29/2023

Got in a pau hana winging session today - while I was setting up there were white caps on the outside.  I didn't have confidence that strength wind would last the whole session.  I also brought out the smaller gear (No.32, Spitfire 840), so I opted for the bigger wing today.

There were some waves still coming through - I caught several head high and a few overhead waves on the outside of the cabins.

Marlon was going to prone foil again today - but he ended up talking story with one of the other photographers who was taking pictures at the beach.

Decent stats!

I actually got in a bunch of tacks to drop on to incoming waves.  I also got in a tack off a wave on the inside (when a surfer took off on a wave I was on - had to bail to avoid getting stuck inside - made it!)

Mostly up session.  So much so my right quads were getting sore (but I can and did switch). 

Also mostly up session because I saw a decent sized shark...

Marlon did fly the drone - but he has not downloaded the footage yet.  I may edit this once he post processes.

Great session!


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