Today was one of the strongest wind days I've had this year - at times there were gusts that made the ocean spray rise up a couple of feet - way cool when it does this.
This is me running a GoPro 12 for the first time. I got the lens mod and it should be in the mailbox tomorrow - I wanted to get a baseline for how wide the stock setting is.
This is an example of the set waves - head high when they rolled through.
I setup No.32 with the Evolution Cedrus Wind mast, the F One SK8/C200 - solid stuff that I didn't have to worry about. I pumped up the SW2 3.6 - but I got overpowered on that wing multiple times.
Marlon came later in the session and flew his big drone (which could operate in these stronger winds).
The ocean has a different face to it every day - it's rare when the winds are this strong so we don't get to see this face all that often.
The wind, the swell and the chop made for some very challenging conditions - but that's when I have the most fun!!!!
I stayed out long enough to get exhausted from trying to maintain control through all the chaos. I went it just as Roland and Duke were headed out. I didn't want to get into a bad situation in the heavy wind.
The wind was so strong I did not even attempt any tacks - who knows what would have happened if I got blown back on a breaking wave...
So this chart is really interesting - gust over 40mph!! Looks like I was out at the peak of the winds this afternoon!
I really wasn't concentrating on breaking any speed records - just wanted to have fun and not get hurt. Lots of blue - I really didn't lose it either - I came down to work the GoPro.
Some forecasts are saying it will be stronger tomorrow!!!!
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