Friday, April 5, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 4/5/2024

Conditions were better today - the wind was way up and down due to the rain squalls passing through.  The waves were probably the same size but way cleaner.

I used the same setup as yesterday, but up sized the wing to the SW2 4.2

And the Mod 2.0 wide angle lens mod for the GoPro 12 came in.  This thing is really good for this specific application!!!

This picture shows the commitment you have to put into a heel side tack - but now at a wider angle!

The lens still does not capture the size of the wave - this was a chest high drop.

The wind was blowing pretty hard - the wing canopy was deforming here.  SHAKA BRAH!!! 

I paddled out just after a squall passed through.  I kept looking at the Hickam report and it was pretty low for a time after the squall.  I headed out as I could see the wind line reforming (and I did check the report - it started to fill back in - and actually Arvin posted he was out during the squall then got stuck afterwards in the lull for 30 minutes before the wind filled back in).

My first turn was a beautiful tack straight on to an incoming wave.  I didn't have the camera on yet, but man did it feel good to make that turn.  The waves were really clean.  The wind was just strong enough to keep me powered.

Roland did make it out - he got swept towards the cabins before being able to paddle out to the wind line.

Just after 3pm is the big lull after the rain clouds passed through.  I'm glad I waited a bit before going out.

The SK8 950 was amazing today - I had so much fun in today's conditions!

And for some feedback on the GoPro 12 - I do like this setup - but my original assessment still stands - it is heavy on the wing.  The quality of the images and the ease of pulling stills for use on the blog are definite plusses.

Tomorrow will be another strong wind day!


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