Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Garage Works - 5/15/2024

I had another few hours to forward the projects in the garage.

Before these pictures, I got the caps on the top deck windows on Marvin's boards.  And I used some of that epoxy to put a small fill layer where I'd place the logos.  That's when I went surfing....

And when Marlon and I got back, I got the logos on and let those sit in place for a bit (for better adhesion)

Dinner called and I answered - but epoxy waits for no one.  After dinner I got back out and got the caps on the bottom deck of Marvin's boards.

These two should be finished tomorrow.

And I got the fill coat on the top deck of No.36

This is going to be a great wing board (and maybe even Foil Drive-able).

Tomorrow is a sanding day... I'll get the high points down, even everything out top and bottom, then will probably get the bottom deck second fill coat on to address any low points.

If that holds, then Friday I'll drill out the vent and leash plug holes, get those installed and the second fill coat goes on the top deck.  That makes Saturday the final sanding day.  Then I'll open the tracks, fair those in and get the wear coat sprayed on.  With no wind in the upcoming forecast, I'll get the deck pads on and let the board rest.

It looks like Tuesday the wind returns and later next week we'll have some nuking winds!  This board will definitely be done by then. 

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