Thursday, May 16, 2024

Garage Works - 5/16/2024

It was onshore winds again today from the Kona Low (located about 600 miles north of the island chain).  It was also raining pretty steadily - so I really didn't feel like going to the beach.

Instead, I sucked it up and set out to move the bar forward on the garage projects.

I sanded the caps on Marvin's boards and sprayed clear coat - those were done.

Then I started what I dread on the builds - sanding.

Here I'm sanding the top deck.

Here's the bottom deck.

There were a bunch of low spots.

I taped the top deck off and mixed up 9 ounces of Pro-Link epoxy to use as the second fill coat.

Tomorrow I'll get a second fill coat on the top deck.

Marvin came over to pick up his boards and we talked about Foil Drive board design.  He looked at No.36 and thought to was a prone board.  At 22" wide, this one can pull triple duty - wing, Foil Drive and prone. 

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