Thursday, June 13, 2024

Evening Session - 6/13/2024

I finally felt well enough to get back in the water.  The wind signs were not looking good, and after yesterday I figured I should just cut my losses and bring the Foil Drive.

Spitfire 900 - everything else is standard Foil Drive equipment.

Marvin came out also - JS Black Eagle and the Kujira 980

And the ever faithful Roland did put together his winging gear - Vyper 150

And his Ensis Top Spin 4.1

Roland made the right call - there was enough wind to wing.  And enough wind to put some good chop on the water.  It was actually really challenging to ride today.  Just goes to show you how much we all lean on the wings when we are out in these conditions.

When I did catch a wave and didn't eat shit, I was able to get some long rides.

I know I didn't ride this many... and I'm guessing at least half of these were wipes.  Still - pretty good stats!

And I almost brought out Bill's Portal board.... 

I'll probably give it a spin at lunch tomorrow.


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