Saturday, June 15, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 6/15/2024

Yesterday I had gone out to try Bill's Portal FD board.  I'm glad I decided to do the first run at Hickam - I couldn't get the setup to work - no connectivity.  

Then the WPB crew was calling for a launch in the mid-afternoon.  I was the only one that couldn't pick up a gust and get out beyond the breakers.  No equipment damage so I guess that was a success, but definitely 2 firm 'denied' stamps.

I needed a pick me up session so I headed over to Kailua this morning.

There was good wind and small waves.

Kalani came out - he was test driving the Code 850.  I also let him try out the North Mode Pro 5.5 (but then the 6.8 - he couldn't power up the 5.5).

I setup No.32 with the Eagle 890/DW190.  I pumped up the North Mode Pro 4.8 - I was perfectly powered the whole session.

Not going down really helps with the average speed reading.

Straight East winds - perfect!!!

On the inside - nothing but tacks!  And even back to back tacks.

On the outside, I'd line up with Donnel (who was trying out a new variant of the Ezzy wing - the 4.5; he let me take the 5.0 for testing tomorrow).  I pretty sure he didn't know I was following him, but I could pull higher and go faster....

There were some fun sized waves coming through - you can see on the chart where I was riding swell (squiggly lines).

I can't state enough how nice the wind was this morning -

And save one drop towards the end, I was up on foil the entire session.  The one at the front of the session was me going in to pump up the 6.8 for Kalani.

This was definitely a confidence booster today (and super fun).

Tomorrow I'm thinking of hitting Hickam early to test the Ezzy 5.0


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