I'm behind on posts - our internet at the house has been up and down.
This is yesterday afternoon's session - Foil Drive with Marvin. There was a pretty strong onshore flow - probably a land breeze due to the land getting heated up with the nil trades. The tide was high and the waves were on the small side.
Marvin used No.37 for the second time - and he really wanted to buy it. He said it was the perfect Foil Drive board and now he understands why/how I Foil Drive the way I do.
I continued the streak of using No.34
When these are placed close together, neither looks too much bigger/smaller than the other. But the volume distribution makes these feel different (with No.34 getting up on plane faster - even on nothing waves; No.37 uses wave energy to pop up, and is easier to turn because it is more compact.
I agreed to sell it (bye bye No.37 - you are a great board).
This was a short session. I used the throttle just to make noise since Marvin and I were over towards Coves (and that's where Tony hangs out).
This session obviously focused on No.34's ability to handle choppy water. Which will likely be the scenario when I would break out the BRM Parawing.
I'm calling this 11 waves in 40 minutes. I had a blast!!!
Marvin got a Man O War hit on the way in. There were two kids at the showers that were also "discussing" their Man O War interactions.
You hardly see Man O War at WPB.
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