Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 9/1/2024

And continuing the Foil Drive application using No.34 - I dawn patrolled Hickam.

First was breaking occasionally, Seconds was more consistent (but also less clean - but that's not new)

Motoring out seemed easier - with No.34 wanting to stay on top of the water.

This setup is the bomb!  I feel confident that I'll be able to get the parawing down pat now.

I was the ONLY person out - which normally would have been incredible, but it is late summer.... 

I did see a bunch of turtles, which is usually a sign the landlords are out visiting other properties.  Still - I saw lots of things out there (likely turtles) and I kept the throttle going for piece of mind.

The waves were small, but the rides were really long.  I almost picked up the waves too early - since they hit a shallow spot the back off before hitting the inside reef shelf.

I did manage to get two double dips.  I think to get more I'd have to bolt on a 325P or 350P rear stabilizer.

Here's a zoom out to get perspective of where I was.

I'm calling this 14 waves in 40 some odd minutes.

Fun session (even though I was by myself, but maybe not alone...)


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