Saturday, October 31, 2020

Dawn Patrol - 10/31/2020

Marlon and I hit the dawn patrol.  The swell dropped from yesterday - every thing was waist or under.  The light wind was from the North - made it feel like winter in Hawaii.  The tide was dropping from a high of 2.0' - probably around 1.3' while we were out.

I bolted on the HS1250 and set the mast forward of the last setting where I had the HS1850.  My first wave seemed underpowered and I had to pump to keep up.  I took the next one in and pushed it up another cm - totally balanced it out.  From that point, I was gliding down the line, able to crank sharp turns and even pump back out to catch 2 for 1s.

With the smaller surf, the crowd was pretty dense - I got my fill and headed back home.  I'll keep the HS1250 on for prone - if it can make surf this small this fun, I think it is going be fantastic on bigger stuff.

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