It's actually been a while since I've made a garage works post.
It's not that I haven't been working in the garage - but more that the repairs I've been doing have all been the same - front foil and rear stabilizer repairs.
I've fixed Mark's AFS Enduros (since he was nice enough to let me use them while he was on vacation off island - I fixed them for free) - front foils and the stabilizer.
I rebuilt Marvin's Takuma 178 rear stabilizer.
And I've been contemplating the build out of No.40.
But here is this year's first Garage Works post.
I had tested Marvin's Majek FD board and I thought it worked perfectly. But Marvin wanted to see if the connectivity could be enhanced so if water covered the top deck, that the signal would persist.
Here's where I figured the best chance of resolving the signal issue would be.
And this is the epoxy fill.
Tomorrow I'll sand this just slightly lower than the surrounding deck, and then epoxy on the cap sheet.
There is still wind forecasted for the next few days, so it will be a bit before I take this back out for another test run.
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