Sunday, December 31, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 12/31/2023

Dawn patrol saw slightly bigger waves today.  Nice way to complete 2023. 

Marlon came with and brought his longboard.  I brought the same setup as yesterday.

Dennis was out and had switched up some equipment - magic hub, Spitfire 960 - and with the FD Max he was taking off on nothing waves.  Kalani was motorless on the KT Dragonfly again.  Dean, Andrew, Rick, Scott and others were also out.

The waves tended to pop up (where I would catch them) then fizzle out.  Had to pump a bunch to get to the wave standing up to the inside.  I saved a bunch of battery power by pumping back out.

Despite the high tide influenced waves, I got a bunch of doubles and a few triples.

Got 30 waves in 2 hours - 

It has been another year of solid wave rides and tons of winging - I feel so lucky to be able to spend as much time in the ocean as I do!!!  Looking forward to doing it all again and getting even better in 2024!!!


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