Thursday, April 21, 2022

Evening Session - 4/21/2022

I didn't trust the wind this afternoon - there were lots of clouds hanging around and the normal signs (trees moving, flags flapping) were up and down.  I figured I'd reduce my frustration and prone foil again today.  Besides - I wanted to keep getting more experience on the Kujira 1440.  

Even though I thought the wind was light, Eli proved otherwise.  5.0 Alien Wing to boot... 

Roland and I were prone foiling - Marlon spent this session flying the drone.  At the onset, he had found a couple of hammerheads out towards Coves... we made sure to stay closer to Middles today.

I'm really liking this foil - lots of glide and if I go left (with the wind behind me), it pumps almost effortlessly.

In this picture, Roland is looping and Eli is blasting outside.

Each session with the 1440 gets better than the last!!!


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