Thursday, May 18, 2023

I Just Went Over to the Dark Side of the Dark Side

For a little bit now, I've been watching a few foilers use their Foil Drives.  It has intrigued me, but not enough to spend the capital to join them.  Then I saw Dennis take the unit and place it on a smaller wing foil board and start prone foiling with the Assist getting him started on waves I would have no chance of paddling into.  And then he would catch another.  And another.  And another - all before I would pick up a wave myself.  And I would have to keep an eye on other riders in case they felt like "sharing" my wave.  And weave between bobs just hanging out in the lineup on their wavestorms.

Yeah - I knew this day was coming...

I got the Foil Drive Assist Plus - big battery and aluminum props - this unit was made to push heavyweights onto bumps quickly.

I was also able to pick up a Project Cedrus 80cm aluminum mast to use exclusively with the Foil Drive.

I've already made a template for a new dedicated prone Foil Drive board also.

This rabbit hole is a deep one...

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