Monday, May 1, 2023

No.31 Done

When I got home from work, I sanded the last two pinhole fills and then sprayed "satin" clear coat over the whole board.

No.31 is a 4'8" x 18.75" x 4" - so a narrower/thinner version of No.21 (which has been my go-to for quite some time).

You may be asking yourself - "self, why are his boards so rough looking?" - well, for my own boards I like an element of "combat survivor".

The finish smooth - but the laps and layers of different fabric show through.  Most of the cosmetic blemishes (authentic battle damage look) will get covered by the rear foot pad or the wax - so I never sweat this (on my boards - if I'm making one for someone, I'll make the effort to make it look nicer).

I'm guessing this is in the higher 30's for volume.  We'll see when I take it out (or when I fill the dunk tank again).  For reference, No.21 is around 50 liters.  Visually No.31 has a lot less volume.  I'm ok with this as I'm experimenting to see the effect of length in ease of catching waves (longer equals catching waves earlier) compared to the shorter boards I made last year, and even against No.30.  

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