Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Twins Separated at Birth???

I'm not one to spread rumors, but.....

No - Harold Iggy didn't copy my board!!! Why would you even think that??? That's crazy talk!!!!

Seriously, it is awesome to see a shape that you conceptualized (yes I did that independently) evolve simultaneously. The term functional morphology describes how a function can evolve differently in different groups - the classic case is flight in birds and bats (and pterosaurs).

If I can get my board glassed before the 'Venturi" goes into production, these race/light wind kiteboards will be classified (at least by me) as functional morphs.

Well - in reality all the race boards are converging into a similar shapes - really a no brainer (if you daydream about surfing or the hydrodynamics of board performance).

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