Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wednesday Evening Surfcapades - August 28

I've been back in Jacksonville, Florida visiting my parents, Auntie, sister, and cousin.  I just got back yesterday and to fight the urge to go to sleep (east coast time), Marlon asked to go surfing (and La thought it would be good for me to go and wash off the travel).  I had the Go Foil Iwa and the 5'6" prone foil board - had several long rides and even popped out the back of a few.  I did hit bottom a few times despite the really high tide (which turns out wasn't so high while we were out - dropped from a mid afternoon high of 2.5' down to just over 1' in the late afternoon).

Marlon was catching his fill of waves as he had not been out since our last session (about a week).

I did try out a new mounting plate - the Noir Matter Universal Mounting Plate - to try and make removing the foil for transport easier.  I am going to have to play with this mount a little bit - if you lock down all the base mount screws, you cannot slide on the pedestal plate (not enough clearance between the board and the base mount).

This thing does have potential, but perhaps the 5'6" deck around the track mounts aren't perfectly flat either (this is a rhetorical statement - it isn't perfectly flat).  Lots of potential - just got to get the base plate mounting positioning dialed in - perhaps a shim of some sort???).

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